How E-REC Works Quickly & Accurately

Automatically capture every candidate and client interaction whilst boosting productivity with very easy to use front end dashboard usability and mobility.

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What We Do?

E-REC brings to the recruiter and employer the top talent using the advanced shortlisting processes to ...


Simplify and Expedite the Shortlisting Process.

How We Do It?

The E-REC dashboard presents the user (Employer or Recruiter) with real time engagement data metrics about the ...


Realtime Dashboard, always on, anytime, anywhere.

Why Use E-REC?

Reduce recruitment costs, with a significant reduction in the use of third-party agencies. Build a range of talent ...


One Platform, One Centralized Command Centre.


Millions of businesses Worldwide choose E-REC


With exceptionally advanced features, the E-REC platform provides the employer with all the tools to invite the finest...



Finding the best candidate in the shortest possible time to shortlist and present for interview is critical amongst othe...



The E-REC platform provides the candidate with an extensive array of tools to develop a profile based on experience, ski...


How It Works:The E-REC Dashboard Features & Functions

E-REC dashboard that presents the employer or recruiter, real time engagement information, data and metrics about the candidate and informs the user of recommended next steps to expedite the shortlisting process to move to interview.

The dashboard has several key differentiations from other recruitment platforms that provide the user with a competitive advantage to identify the best possible candidate in a highly accurate and structured process.

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Dashboard Features And Functions

Feature Function Business Benefit
Red User Icon Indicates candidate did not meet minimum criteria Time is saved by instantly filtering out candidates that are suitable for other roles than the one they have applied for.
Orange User Icon Indicates candidate achieved a score of 80% but less than 95% Creates a 2nd tier of candidates that act as redundant candidates if the 95% plus candidates are unavailable or have found other roles.
Green Icon Indicates candidate has met all criteria and surpassed expectations to achieve scores within the top 5% of candidates. Provides a significant strategic hiring advantage to identify highly talented candidates as they become known in the wild in real time to contact and secure for interview.
Filter by Distance Filters the data by distance For roles that are critical and require someone on call and close by the (PPoW) Primary Place of Work, the employer or recruiter can select primary candidates that meet the criteria for the role instantly.
Filter by Post Code Filters the data by Post Code For multiple roles such as construction sites, labour hire or medical staff (Locum) scattered across a regional area, roles can be instantly identified by Post Code
Filter by Education Filters the data by Education To refine the process of identifying the top candidates within the top 5% (scored over 95%) the user can filter by selecting from a list ranging from of Graduate to PhD.
Filter by Skill Set Filters the data by Skill Set If specific needs are for a roles are required such as Marketing executive with strong digital or Civil Engineer with extensive structural experience, the skill sets filter will identify and present instantly from the list of candidates testing online and offline within the database
Filter by Score Filters the data by Score If you are seeking the very top of the tree in talent you have the option to filter by score, for example, you want the top candidates that scored 99/100 from a field of 500+ candidates that were cypher tested. This filter will present those candidates instantly for your perusal and recommend next steps.
Filter by Percentage Filters the data by Percentage Similar to score, however if you prefer to identify from a field of 500+ candidates the top 1% of candidates that were cypher tested. This filter will present those candidates instantly for your perusal and recommend next steps.
Filter by Industry Filters the data by Industry A very handy filter for when you seek only the candidates from a certain industry such as Health, Telco, Finance, Banking, Education, Defence, IT or Public Sector (State or federal Government). This filter will present those candidates instantly for your perusal and recommend next steps.

Benefits Of E-REC

Benefits of using E-REC Platform to find your next recruit include using cutting edge technologies to bring you the best of breed talent to your desk in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods and enabling those decisions to shortlist validated top tier talent with progress to interview to be made in minutes, not hours, days or weeks.

E-REC’s Intelligent Cypher Testing and Assessment Technology means a unified and structured process that ensures every applicant applying for their chosen role is presented with surveys, quizzes and tests applicable to that job, leaving the result and outcome to be based on a “natural selection” methodology, performed concurrently and simultaneously in clusters to reveal the top 1% available from the participating talent pool.

Natural selection is the process through which candidates from all cultures, locations and ethnicities adapt and change. Candidates are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways.

This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the role and function than others and we identify the best suited candidates for your organisation.

E-REC’s rapid applicant screening and validation service is an extension of CTAT and further screens the applicant and validates the information with online sources. This service ensures the validity of the CV, Education and References are accurate and up to date.

Simply put, we extend our platform to compliment your talent acquisition team process. E-REC’s developed integration API can Create or Update applicant records and inform the client team of shortlisted candidates, which saves time and double handling of data.

E-REC’s Employment Realtime Engagement Centre™ unique feature that shows the applicants being examined as they are being tested for being shortlisted for interview. This exciting new feature in recruitment is bringing digital data analytics to the forefront and giving the recruiter and employer a true competitive advantage. E-REC’s platform does not replace your (ATS) Applicant Tracking System, but rather compliment it, giving you lightning fast access to the top talent within the testing pool.

Employers will be able to reach potentially the top 1% of the applicant pool within seconds after the testing concludes. You can automate E-REC’s platform to automatically contact the applicants that scored 95% - 100% and schedule in for interview based on available slots.

E-REC’s onboard interview calendaring system that can integrate with Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox to upload the calendar .ics file to your preferred calendar such as Microsoft Outlook™ or Gmail™.

To work legally in Australia, you need evidence of your right to work. This could be a visa, evidence of permanent resident status, an Australian or New Zealand passport, Australian birth certificate or a certificate of Australian citizenship.

Documents that are checked with the relevant ID providers

  • Passport
  • Permanent Resident Status
  • Immigration Status Document
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Skilled Immigrant Visa

KYC – Know Your Counterpart is a check on the individual’s associations with known groups that are not deemed business worthy. 99.5% of checks come back clean, but it is the that 0.5% that could prove the difference between you employing a person of interest that could lead to unsavoury outcomes.

E-REC filters out the unsavoury and provides you with vetted quality candidates that are right for your business to grow. The E-REC platform has the necessary technologies and third party affiliations to ensure you are getting the best results.

E-REC’s Intelligent Cypher testing and Filtering Technology means a unified and structured process that ensures that every applicant is presented with the same tasks and tests to execute, leaving the result and outcome to be based on “natural selection” methodology.
Natural selection is the process through which candidates from all cultures, locations and ethnicities adapt and change. Candidates are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways.
This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the role and function than others and we identify the best suited candidates for your organisation.

E-REC’s rapid applicant screening and validation service is an extension of CTAT and further screens the applicant and validates the information with online sources. This service ensures the validity of the CV, Education and References are accurate and up to date.

Simply put, we extend our platform to compliment your talent acquisition team process. E-REC’s developed integration API can Create or Update applicant records and inform the client team of shortlisted candidates, which saves time and double handling of data.

E-REC’s Employment Realtime Engagement Centre™ unique feature that shows the applicants in being examined as they are being tested for being shortlisted for interview. This exciting new feature in recruitment is bringing digital data analytics to the forefront and giving the recruiter and employer a true competitive advantage. E-REC’s platform does not replace your (ATS) Applicant Tracking System, but rather compliment it, giving you lightning fast access to the top talent within the testing pool.
Employers will be able to reach potentially the top 1% of the applicant pool within seconds after the testing concludes. You can automate E-REC’s platform to automatically contact the applicants that scored 95% - 100% and schedule in for interview based on available slots.
E-REC’s onboard interview calendaring system that can integrate with Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox to upload the calendar .ics file to your preferred calendar such as Microsoft Outlook™ or Gmail™.

To work legally in Australia, you need evidence of your right to work. This could be a visa, evidence of permanent resident status, an Australian or New Zealand passport, Australian birth certificate or a certificate of Australian citizenship.

Documents that are checked with the relevant ID providers

  • Passport
  • Permanent Resident Status
  • Immigration Status Document
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Skilled Immigrant Visa

KYC – Know Your Counterpart is a check on the individual’s associations with known groups that are not deemed business worthy. 99.5% of checks come back clean, but it is the that 0.5% that could prove the difference between you employing a person of interest that could lead to unsavoury outcomes.

E-REC filters out the unsavoury and provides you with vetted quality candidates that are right for your business to grow. The E-REC platform has the necessary technologies and third party affiliations to ensure you are getting the best results.

Millions of businesses Worldwide choose E-REC Pre Qualified Candidates

1+ Million Users

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